Monday, 31 October 2011

Preparing your rent roll for sale

Make sure that you know your business- what are the state of the rent roll files?
If you are selling a rent roll then do a self audit of the files to ensure
·         all the authorities are updated and have the correct entities name on the authority

·         ensure that leases to all the properties are signed

·         the condition reports are up to date

·         the bond lodgement registers up to date
Above all ensure that what’s in the file matches the computer records.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

What restrictions should the vendor offer when selling a rent roll?
A purchaser expects that the vendor selling a rent roll should offer and entered into the contract of sale with a restrictive covenant clause. This clause should preclude the vendor from having any interaction with the landlords of the rent roll sold for;
a.        A period of up to 3 years.
b.      An area of up to 10 kilometres from the vendor’s office.
c.       In the capacity of director, shareholder, branch manager or consultant.
The vendor should be further restricted from soliciting or assisting others to solicit the landlords and should be restricted from providing any material to enable someone to solicit the landlords.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

How long should the retention period be when selling a rent roll?

Naturally the vendor will want shortest time and the lowest amount and the purchaser will want the
longest time and the highest amount.  So therefore what is reasonable?

I am suggesting that an amount of 10-15% of the purchaser price to be held in Trust as the retention sum for a period of up to and no more than 6 months. In most of the transaction that have been negotiated, the retention period has been 4 months.

The interest on the retained amount shall be divided between vendor and purchaser.